Our Main Product-Range


NANOLITE Driver for triggering of the NANOLITE Flashlamps for single pulses and frequencies up to 50Hz




NANOLITE Sparkflashlamps

Exposuretimes between 150ns and 5ns


MINISTROBOKIN for triggering of the NANOLITE Flashlamps for single pulses and frequencies up to 20kHz.



Doubleflash system for flash delays down to 1µs. With flash durations down to <5ns.



STROBODRUM Drumcamera as a recordingsystem for pulsed flashseries upto 100m/s filmspeed ( 20kHz Flashfrequency = 5mm x 35mm-framesize)

Monoflash 6/300

Highenergy single flash system with 300ns flashduration at 6 Joule energy